
This blog is for every parent who asked why and didn't get an answer.

Asked the questions; "Where do I go next?" "What do I do?" "Who can I talk to?" "I want to cry and I"m so scared; who is out there for me?"

Every diagnosis of Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder is not the same nor the parents experience. But, we can pull together, share our thoughts and have a safe community to go to. That is what I envision this place to be. A haven for self, family and our children.

Much love and faith to you on your journey.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Trial Run of GFCF Pancake Recipe

This is the GF pancake recipe as I printed from the internet.

1 cup rice flour
3 tbsps tapioca flour
1/3 cup of potato starch
4 tbsps of dry buttermilk powder ( I don't use it to make it Casein Free)
1 packet of sugar substitue (Stevia)
1 1/2 tsps baking powder
1/2 tsps bking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp xanthan gum
2 eggs
3 tbsp canola oil
2 cups water

In a bowl, mix or sift together the rice flour, tapioca flour, potato startch, dry buttermilk powder, sugar substitue, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and xanthan gum.  Stir in eggs, water, and oil until well blended and few lumps remain.

This is where I start changing things.  I use almond milk instead of water.  It gives it a better and richer flavor.  Also, I add about 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds.  It makes them rise more like a traditional pancake.  Also, I will add a mashed banana.  It is the one thing that makes any sweet, baked good in GFCF cooking.  I will also add blueberries, slivered almonds, etc. 

I try and make it as nutrient rich and great tasting as I possibly can.

I will add more later.  I"m off to pick C up from Social Skills Group. 

Love, peace and grace unto you.

Monday, July 12, 2010

So much to say, so little time

Well, I had a pretty good day.  Really great in fact.  I have two interviews on Wednesday.  I set them up, but received a giant "leg-up" from a friend a mine who works at both companies. 

He gave glowing recommendations and they are considering for other positions other than what I intially was going to apply for.  Thanks T. B. (Mr. Wild Coyote).

The next thing I"m working on (among MANY others) is perfecting my GFCF pancake recipe.  Once I do that, I"ll post it.  Then I'll work on GFCFEF.  I"ve done it and it works.  I just have to remember to write down what I did and how it turned out.

It's a short post because I"ve got to go to bed and get up early with C.  School beckons. 

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Stay Tuned!

Next couple of posts:  Let me know what you want to hear.  I know some of the challenges I've had. 

i.e.  Navigating the waters of Autism, what do I do next, An IEP - What's that?  A disagreement ARD?  You can do that?  I don't have to sign that day?  Oh, so you fight with your husband too over therapy and views on severity?  I went overboard with the kiddo and left the husband in the dust....

Yeah, I've gotten a few tshirts.  BUT, it's all worth it in the end.  It's all worth it.  It's a blessing and I"m blessed.  Let me know what you think.  Stay tuned! 

Love and blessings of HIS Love to all!   Psalm 4:8

Wow! I'm so excited!

Good evening everyone!  This is day one of the 1600 calorie a day diet.  No fads, no craziness; just balanced nutrition, cutting what we eat and exercising.  We eat well, just way too much!  :)  Chris and I were suprisingly satisfied. 

If you know me and know me well; food is almost as important to me as Autism and Advocacy.  Give me a bourdeaux, stilton or maytag blue, a baquette.....  Oh, yeah.  I digress

As far as the last post, it should be a lesson when to post and when not to post.  When you are super tired and can't make sense; grammatically or otherwise; don't write.  I decided to leave the post as is.  Everyone makes mistakes and needs to laugh at their foibles.  His Grace is sufficient.

NOW, to the real reason I'm writing tonight.  I wanted all of you to know that I will be part of the Houston Focus Group for the Texas Autism Research and Resource Center Website.
It will design a new website with the best information available about autism and similar disabilities. In 2009, the 81st Texas Legislature directed that a statewide resource center for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) be created to assist Texans. Once fully operational, Texas’ center will help individuals with ASD, families, and professionals by coordinating resources, offering training, and providing information on ASD, available services, research, and other topics of interest.
This has long been an intrest of mine.  I've had a burning desire within my heart to do something with Autism, Advocacy, Natural Health/Supplements, GFCF diet and baking, ARD/IEP process and assisting other parents when they recieve the diagnosis.  This is a step in the right direction.  I"m not sure where it's leading, but I know it's a step, a gift that GOD has made clear to me I'm to be going.  
There are only 11 people in the Houston Group (there will be about 6 or 7 across the state).  I know one of the people going through my network of people I know.  She is the head of FEAT (Families for Effective Autism Treatment).  If she is there and I am; I"m honored and a little daunted.
Please stay in prayer with me for thankfulness, his grace and patience and above all that I keep HIM in the place HE should be.  Not making this my "next thing" to usurp HIS place.  Been there, done that and have WAY too many tshirts.
But, I"m excited.  I really am.  I believe this is the start of something really great and very important for me.  Let me go with God's grace.
By love and blessing to all of you.  Have a great night.