
This blog is for every parent who asked why and didn't get an answer.

Asked the questions; "Where do I go next?" "What do I do?" "Who can I talk to?" "I want to cry and I"m so scared; who is out there for me?"

Every diagnosis of Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder is not the same nor the parents experience. But, we can pull together, share our thoughts and have a safe community to go to. That is what I envision this place to be. A haven for self, family and our children.

Much love and faith to you on your journey.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sensitive post. Be careful when you read this.

I don't often like to think, talk or post about things like this.  Unfortunately it's a reality when you have a child.  Much more so when you have a child with a disability.  This is disgusting and I for one want people to make calls to New Hampshire, officals etc. urging them to throw the book at this poor excuse for a human being.  I have no mercy for anything like this.  Thank God HE does.  His grace is sufficeint, thank you. 

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