
This blog is for every parent who asked why and didn't get an answer.

Asked the questions; "Where do I go next?" "What do I do?" "Who can I talk to?" "I want to cry and I"m so scared; who is out there for me?"

Every diagnosis of Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder is not the same nor the parents experience. But, we can pull together, share our thoughts and have a safe community to go to. That is what I envision this place to be. A haven for self, family and our children.

Much love and faith to you on your journey.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

God is so good!

God is so good.  When I have the darkest days and my thoughts can't get out of the muck and mire; HE brings something so sweet and so special as a gentle reminder to me. 

I was putting Cary to bed and reading out of "365 Devos for Boys" (with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber) on the front.  This particular day, #76 was so special to me.  It was titled "Hopes, Hopes and More Hopes."

"Make me hear joy and gladness."  Psalm 51:8  NKJV

Hope is a very good thing to have...and to share.  So make this promise to yourself and keep it:  promise yourself that you'll be a hopeful person.  Think good thoughts.  Trust God.  Become friends with Jesus.  And trust you hopes, not your fears.  Then, when you've filled your heart with hope and gladness, share your good thoughts with friends.  They'll be better for it, and so will you.

A Timely Tip:  Think about all the things you have (starting with your family and your faith)... and think about all the things you can do!  Believe in yourself.

A bedtime prayer:
Dear Lord, I have so many reason to be happy.  Let me think good thoughts and look for the good in other people.  And, help me be a joyful person now and always.  Amen.

Talk about out of the mouths of babes....  I never expected to be blessed, corrected, convicted and moved reading and talking about the devotional with Cary.  God can and will move, if we let him.  What a blessing.  I am so grateful.  It absolutely blessed me and lifted my spirit.  It was and is beautiful.  I still cary that feeling with me now.  I'm humbled and thankful.

As a bonus, Cary actually got some of the text (the book is a little beyond him; late 2nd early 3rd grade level comprehension).  When I asked him about things he had that were good, he said "bowling lanes, pins, baseball and that's it."  It's cute and funny as well as part of his obsession; but he recognized those things were good, made him happy and he could share them.  I was so pleased when I saw that.

Many of you who know us would say you've seen this all along.  That Cary gets this.  But I opened my eyes today.  I'm always looking down the road and wondering what the next mountain is for me to climb or valley to walk through.  This gave me HOPE.  It gave me JOY that all is okay.  That it will be fine.

I   forget so much sometime.  I'm always worried and I forget to trust God.  I am so blessed that HE is revealing Himself to me the way HE is now, I'm hearing it and receiving it.  It is a fresh breath to my soul.  I"ve been dark for far too long and these fresh breaths across my life are restorative.

I'm meant to do what I"m doing.  Helping, guiding, researching, bringing people together, marketing what I believe helps these kids, etc.  I can take it now because I'm not doing what fills me up in ways that God should; I"m doing it because God is filling me first and I'm letting myself be broken bread and poured out wine.

To God be the glory!  Sleep tight tonight!  Blessings and peace from Above.   

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